Europe & International


Europe et international

Prospecting, networking and shining internationally

Genopole is mobilizing internationally to achieve two objectives: build its own renown beyond France to attract foreign companies to the biocluster; and make high-potential Genopole companies known to industrials, investors and other bioclusters across the globe, thus increasing their chances for codevelopment, licensing or services contracts and supporting their international development.

The 2022 American BIO convention was held in June in San Diego, California. Genopole's participation in the four-day event gave it access to more than 3,000 companies from across the globe and high visibility for the biocluster to the audience of more than 13,000 participants. GIP Genopole shared a stand there with Choose Paris Region, Medicen, Grand Orly Seine Bièvre, the AP-HP and Institut Carnot. During a roundtable with French Ambassador to the United States Philippe Étienne, Genopole spotlighted its capacities in biomanufacturing and its founding role in France Biolead.

About 100 meetings were arranged between 25 corporations or SMEs (Merck, Boehringer, Bristol Myers Squibb, etc.), 20 investors (Taiho, Astellas Ventures, Theodorus, etc.) and 8 Genopole companies subscribed to the Key Accounts Partnerships or Fund Raising Strategy Packs (Synsight, Deeptope, Phagos CGenetix, SafeInsight, STH Biotech, Ciclix, Luxia).

Also, in November, Genopole participated in ITAP (Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific), an event held in Singapore. That voyage was part of a European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) exploratory mission to open the Singaporean market to SMEs in biomanufacturing. The mission enabled contacts with local actors in innovation (A*Star (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), SG Innovate, etc.) and included a visit to the National University of Singapore's SynCTI biofoundry.


  • After the American version, Genopole was also present at Bio-Europe, held in Leipzig, Germany in October. The biocluster representatives held discussions with foreign contract development and manufacturing organizations and contract research organizations seeking to furnish services mainly in innovative therapies.
Prospecter, élargir les réseaux et rayonner à l’échelle internationale

  • A member of EIT Health since 2019, Genopole participated in its Summit 2022 held in May in Stockholm, Sweden. With more than 2,000 innovative start-ups, pharmaceutical groups, clusters and political deciders in attendance, the event was an opportunity to build European strategies for health innovation (biomanufacturing, digital health).
  • In May 2022, Genopole was elected to the Council of European Bioregions' (CEBR) administrative board. By bringing together more than 40 European health-focused bioclusters, the CEBR optimizes support actions for entrepreneurship and innovation. Genopole pilots the CEBR's Internationalization group, which organizes collective initiatives to open foreign markets to accompanied businesses.

COBIOE: building a common European strategy for biomanufacturing

The objective of the "Growing Connection for Bio Ecosystems" (COBIOE) project is to bring about a common and inclusive European strategy to strengthen the health biomanufacturing sector. Constructed and coordinated by Genopole, COBIOE is the first EU initiative for the sector. The project was selected by the European Commission and signed 27 December by the GIP and its four partners composing the consortium: CEBR, EIT Health, Health Cluster Portugal and ScanBalt. All are major ecosystems for health innovation in Europe.

COBIOE has three objectives: (1) identify actors in the biomanufacturing value chain (2) create an interactive network and particularly connections with isolated actors to reduce European regional fractures, and (3) give visibility to the network to enrich it and strengthen cooperation.

By taking an active part in the creation of a European biomanufacturing alliance, Genopole is giving energy to the sector in France and strengthening its position in Europe. COBIOE will be managed in coherence with the objectives of France BioLead and PIIEC santé, a substantial European project to structure the sector at the continental level. The partnerships, technologies, competencies and other outcomes of COBIOE will benefit the biocluster's actors and heighten its attractiveness.

Learn more about the launch

Genopole: a biotech hub in the European University Alliance for Global Health

Genopole is an associate partner of the European University Alliance for Global Health. This pilot initiative, abbreviated EUGLOH, currently groups nine universities: Paris-Saclay University, Lund University, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Porto, University of Szeged, University of Alcalá, Hamburg University, University of Novi Sad, and Uit The Arctic University of Norway.

EUGLOH is cofinanced by the Erasmus+ program and coordinated by Paris-Saclay University. On 15 December, Genopole welcomed 35 students from five Alliance universities for an introduction to biotech entrepreneurship, comprising a short training session, a visit to the incubator and a meeting with Madeleine Moscatelli, cofounder of the start-up EndoGene.Bio. With its involvement in EUGLOH, Genopole further solidifies its relationship with Paris-Saclay, extends its network of partner European universities and tempers the first link in the biotech innovation chain: training.

pôle Biotech de l’université européenne EUGLOH

GEN.ERA: clusters cooperating to tackle the global market

The Genopole-coordinated European project GEN.ERA (diGital gENomic alliance to Explore new maRket for Acceleration) reached its end in 2022. The five clusters that partnered to construct a shared strategy for the conquest of the extra-European international genomics market identified and analyzed three promising markets for their businesses: the United States, Japan, and Singapore. The phase aimed at meetings and contact-building with local facilitators of market access was slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic, but an initial exploratory mission was carried out in Singapore. A plan for future actions was presented at the GEN.ERA closing event held 14 June at the Estonian cluster Tartu BT Park.

GEN.ERA : coopérer entre clusters pour mieux aborder le marché mondial

Toward a European Health Data Space

Impulsed by the launch of GEN.ERA, Genopole's cooperation in genomics with Tartu BT Park, the coordinator of ScanBalt, a network of Baltic Sea clusters, led the two clusters to organize a conference held 8 June at Genopole on the European Health Data Space. Accredited by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the event drew 40 in-person and 290 virtual participants: researchers, entrepreneurs, physicians and patient association delegates, among others. Representing 14 European countries, the participants learned about the ambition of the Health Data Space, the possibility of shared regulation, the protection, access & sharing of data and much more.

"The European Health Data Space is one of Europe's most ambitious initiatives of the last decade, and France is one of its pillars. European actors have identified Genopole as a reference biocluster for the health sector. Our partnership with ScanBalt has given us an opportunity to open our ecosystem to this decisive subject for health research and innovation projects." ALEXIS BITON, EUROPEAN AFFAIRS OFFICER